Sunday, February 7, 2010

dengueus holidays

oh yeah, what a holiday.
on the previous post i told you guys how should i spend my holidays,
who knows i'll be spending it in the hospital!!
after 4 days back from KL,
started to feel feverish and some serious headache.
after taking lots of pills, no effect, and that's how i end up in the hospital.
dengue, the best thing is, this is my 2nd time having dengue fever.
what a friend i am with mosquitoes.

ok, anyway, I'm hospitalize,
good thing is i dint loose my appetite,
still feel like eating anything i can.
too bad that i have to keep my diet clean.
worst thing is every 6 hour i'll need a blood test, which means,.... more NEEDLES!!!!
and the hospital food this time really sucks,
i remember last time i ate the hospital food quite well...maybe they changed a chef.
well, as i know, dengue has no cure, just drink lots of water, 100plus, coconut drink... yup, that will do. it helps during my last dengue
this is the thing which hangs with me throughout the 5 days in hospital.
got to be careful with it, once its finish, it will suck out blood from body, so have to constantly look out when its going to finish. hahaha.

the wheel chair i used to transport myself. haha.
this few days at hospital, i realize that holidays shouldn't be waste by just lying on bed.
so im back here at home, continue to do what a youth suppose to do.
happy holidays friends.